Over the course of the summer, our teachers have been writing the curricula in areas such as Health and Physical Education based upon the new standards created by the NJ Department of Education in 2020. Once the curricula is written, our administrative team reviews the curricula and it is posted on our district website on the Curriculum & Instruction page. New Jersey school districts are required to follow these academic standards.
The Eatontown Public Schools curricula was revised in four academic areas: Physical Education and Health, Social Studies, Career Readiness, Life Literacies, and Key Skills, and Computer Science and Design Thinking. In most cases, these standards are embedded in the overall curricula and are not typically standalone lessons. Due to the attention some of these standards have received, the district is providing the school community with information to clarify some of the possible misconceptions.
These curricula revisions were presented to the Board of Education on Monday, August 22, 2022. Below, you will find two links. One link will display the curriculum presentation and the other will provide the New Jersey Department of Education Broadcast from April 14, 2022.
Eatontown Public Schools 2022-2023 Curriculum Presentation
New Jersey Department of Education Broadcast – April 14, 2022
After reviewing this information, if you have any questions regarding the curricula, please contact your school principal. The school principal will help to provide further clarification and assistance.
Thank you for your attention and cooperation. Please enjoy the rest of your summer.
Scott T. McCue
Superintendent of Schools