Using the "Understanding by Design" model with formative and summative assessments
About Eatontown Public Schools

Aligning Classroom Instruction with Student Expectations
Providing Differentiated Instruction to Address Individual Student Needs
Special Education, Basic Skills, and Gifted & Talented programs
Enhanced Learning Opportunities through Strong Programs
Arts, Music, World Language, Speech, Physical Education, and Technology
The Eatontown Public School District is located in central New Jersey not far from the Jersey Shore. This diverse, suburban district has one middle school and three elementary schools serving approximately 960 students in Preschool through 8th grade. Eatontown is centrally located in NJ providing quick access to Routes 35, 36, and 18, the Garden State Parkway, as well as public transportation.
The District's vision is to develop a community of lifelong learners where children have healthy self-esteem, respect, and compassion for others, essential and technological knowledge, and the creative problem-solving skills needed to meet the challenge of successful citizenship in an ever-changing, multi-cultural, global society.
Our district mission is to set high academic and social expectations for our students. By providing our students with appropriate staffing, resources and funding, we will be able to reach these expectations and to achieve the New Jersey Student Learning Standards.
In support of these goals, the district has adopted the New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS) in the areas of English Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, the Visual and Performing Arts, Health, Physical Education, World Languages, 21st Century Life and Careers, and Technology Literacy. The implementation of the curricula based on these standards is the joint responsibility of the administration and instructional staff.
New curriculum adoption is based on the "Understanding by Design" model, which clearly states the methodology and process in which curriculum is delivered to the students. Classroom instruction is closely aligned with student expectations for learning. Student assessment - both formative and summative - assists teachers in providing differentiated instruction to improve student learning. More information about the district curricula can be found on the Office of Curriculum & Instruction webpages.
Even with budget limitations, the district continues to enhance learning opportunities for its students with strong programs in the Arts, Music, World Language, Speech, Physical Education, and Technology.
Individual student needs are addressed through special education, basic skills, and gifted & talented programs. Students are provided differentiated instruction based on our commitment to successful learning for all students. A fully-staffed Child Study Team, a Basic Skills team, and a Gifted and Talented team provide services to the children in these district-wide programs.
In an effort to provide our staff with effective and continual professional development, the district supports various learning opportunities for staff anchored in the concept of student achievement, as well as social and emotional learning (SEL). More information about the district's SEL initiatives can be found on the SEL page of this website.
Eatontown Public Schools continues to provide full-day Kindergarten to all students in the district. Through Preschool Expansion Aid, Eatontown Public Schools now has a growing preschool program. Preschool age students can attend a full-day, quality preschool program. Preschool students are selected for this program through a lottery system. The preschool program is based at all district elementary schools.
Close community and parental involvement is demonstrated through the many groups that work in partnership with the district: PTA, Eatontown Community Center, Eatontown Recreation, Eatontown Lions Club, Eatontown Elks, and the Eatontown Foundation for Excellence in Education (EFEE). These community stakeholders demonstrate their commitment to the schools by supporting our students and programs through the provision of both educational and financial resources. More information about the community partners the district works with can be found on the Community Partners page of this website.
The Board of Education, administrators, teachers, support staff, students, parents, and community members have joined together to make the Eatontown Public Schools District a strong institution of learning. Each school member is committed to doing their part to provide a learning environment that will enable our students to maximize their potential. Through the efforts and dedication of these groups, the district will meet the goals set forth by our Board of Education and Administration to prepare our students to meet the challenges of our ever-changing, global society.
By implementing the mantra, “Blending Tradition and Innovation to Drive Educational Excellence”, Eatontown Public Schools continues to advance student learning through the utilization of research-based, educational initiatives including Responsive Classroom benchmark assessments, Running Records, and new technology tools. We firmly believe that all students can, will, and want to learn. Building upon our past and using innovation in the future, our community works hard to support effective teaching and learning each day.