Track & Field


Tryout Information

Please note the Sports Physical is due on February 28th – before tryouts!

What you need to do before tryouts:

Return signed permission slip to Coach Fullerton, Coach Lynady, or Coach McNelis by 2/28/2025

Turn in Physical/Health Update paperwork to Nurse Lucy by 2/28/2025

Join 2025 Spring Track and Field Google Classroom for updates

Make sure you wear a t-shirt, shorts, and sneakers to tryouts (bring sweatpants/sweatshirt in case of cold weather)

Make sure to bring a water bottle with your name labeled on it.

Arrange transportation to be picked up promptly at 4:00 PM.

Official Tryout Schedule is as follows:

Girls Tryout - March 17th and 18th, 2:30pm - 4:00pm

Boys Tryout - March 19th and 20th, 2:30pm - 4:00pm

(Please make sure you have a ride home promptly at 4:00pm)

The entire roster of the 2025 Memorial School Track Team will be posted as soon as the coaches have finalized their decisions.

Permission Slip

All Students: All students trying out must return a permission slip signed by a parent or guardian. Please see the front office for permission slips. All Sports Physical forms and Track Packets are due by Friday, February 28th.

Physical/Health Forms

If you need a new sports physical (you never tried out before, or your previous sports physical has expired) you will need to complete the Sports Physical & Required Health Forms

For students with a sports physical that took place on or after February 28, 2024 which was already approved by our school physician, you only need to submit a Health History Update and Sports Injury Sign-Offs for the new school year.

The following documents must be reviewed by each athlete and their parents/guardians each school year. These are for your information only and do not need to be returned to the school.

  1. Opioid Use and Misuse Fact Sheet

  2. Sports Related Concussion and Head Injury Fact Sheet

  3. Sports Related Eye Injury

  4. Sudden Cardiac Death Fact Sheet

6th Grade Students: Any 6th grader wishing to try out for sports at Memorial Middle School must complete the 6th Grade Permission Form. This permission form must be signed by the student’s parent/guardian; the student's homeroom teacher will review prior to try-outs.

Pay close attention to the announcements for important dates for team meetings, tryouts, practices, and cancellations.

Physical paperwork is due to your school nurse by February 28, 2024. The physical exam must have taken place on or after February 28, 2024. Late physicals cannot be accepted.