Nelson Ortiz
Board President
Goal 1: By June 2025, Eatontown Public Schools will enhance student achievement across the curriculum by effectively implementing best educational practices, concrete assessment tools, and instructional technologies which specifically monitor and improve student learning by preparing all students to meet the NJ Student Learning Standards.
Objective 1: By June 2025, 80% of all students in Grades K-8 will demonstrate improvement in English Language Arts as measured by the i-Ready Benchmark Assessments. By June 2025, 80% of all students in Grades K-8 will demonstrate improvement in Mathematics as measured by the i-Ready Benchmark Assessments.
By June 2025, 75% of all students in Grade K-3 will demonstrate improvement in the foundational reading skills as measured by the fall and spring DIBELS Benchmark Assessments (Nonsense Word Fluency Words Read Correctly).
By June 2025, all fourth and fifth grade instructional staff will be trained in DIBELS to begin DIBELS Benchmark Assessments in September 2025 in lieu of Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessments.
By June 2025, 80% of all students in Grades K-8 will increase one point on the rubric scale as measured by the fall and spring District Writing Prompts.
By June 2025, content and skill level assessments will be implemented to gauge student mastery of the academic standards in all special area subjects of the curriculum.
Objective 2: By June 2025, the district will increase teacher, student, parent use of educational technologies to enhance students’ content knowledge and academic skills across the curricula consistent with the NJ Student Learning Standards by providing professional development on topics such as integrating AI into teaching and learning.
Objective 3: By June 2025, the district will continue to investigate and research educational structures, programs, and approaches that foster equity of learning opportunities for all students with a focus on grade level collaboration, differentiated instruction and assessment, and social-emotional learning. Specific focus will be placed on revising the Gifted and Talented Program entrance criteria and active learning opportunities for these students as well as improving the scope and sequence of summer learning assignments to promote more student engagement.
Objective 4: By June 2025, Eatontown Public Schools staff will engage in meaningful professional development to enhance instructional practice in the three Rs: Relationships, Relevance, and Rigor through a Project-Based Learning approach.
Goal 2: By March 2025, Eatontown Public Schools will craft a school budget which supports viable educational programs and services for students in an efficient and fiscally responsible manner to ensure all students have equitable access to the resources and opportunities necessary to meet the NJ Student Learning Standards.
Objective 1: By December 2024, the district will analyze the current school budget including anticipated enrollment, potential state and federal funding sources as well as future district educational needs and develop budget perimeters based upon this analysis. Budgetary options also will be explored to help the district balance future budgets considering past state aid reductions.
Objective 2: By January 2025, the district will develop and execute a budget plan that highlights key budgetary elements, supports educational initiatives, and plans for future revenues provided by state aid.
Objective 3: By February 2025, the district will explore and research ways to increase revenues and/or decrease costs for future budgetary and educational planning including but not limited to shared service agreements, grant opportunities, grant writing services coordinated by the Business Office and Director of Education Office, energy savings analysis, transportation efficiency analysis, and insurance savings.
Objective 4: By June 2025, Eatontown Public Schools will continue the process of achieving the Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting from NJ ASBO International.
Goal 3: By June 2025, Eatontown Public Schools will research, explore, and implement measures that will help to increase the safety, efficiency, and educational mission of our school facilities.
Objective 1: By January 2025, the Operations Committee will discuss the present state of the district’s facilities and recommend capital improvement or maintenance projects for the future based upon educational, safety, or physical plant needs consistent with the Long-Range Facilities Plan.
Objective 2: By January 2025, the district will analyze the implementation of the Energy Savings Improvement Plan (ESIP) to monitor future energy savings which are used to offset the costs of the new HVAC equipment installed across the district.
Goal 4: By January 2025, the Safety Committee will continue to explore and research various vehicles and mechanisms that can enhance the safety and security of our schools and buildings.
Objective 1: The district will analyze the current safety and security practices/protocols and implement improvements where necessary in collaboration with the Eatontown Police Department and Eatontown OEM.
Objective 2: Working in collaboration with the Technology Committee, a review of network security features will be conducted and any vulnerabilities will be addressed.
Goal 5: By June 2025, the Social and Emotional Wellness and Equity Committee will research and report on approaches to improve student and staff shared experiences by examining data, reviewing curriculum resources, and providing appropriate professional development.
Objective 1: The district will explore opportunities to enhance students’ experiences at school by implementing programs and practices that develop student agency such as creating student leadership opportunities, implementing culturally responsive teaching practices, and engaging families in meaningful two-way communication.
Objective 2: The district in collaboration with the four schools will examine student attendance data, discover root causes, and implement interventions to help students engage more fully in the educational process.
Objective 3: Working with the four schools, the district will ensure SEL and mental health practices and opportunities are consistently implemented across the district in an age-appropriate manner.