Please join us for a Title I Parent Night titled:
Supporting Virtual Learning at Home:
A Webinar for Caregivers
When: March 16, 2021
Time: 6:30p.m. to 8:00p.m.
Meeting ID: 964 3009 0290
Passcode: ievx06
This strategy-packed webinar will give parents and caregivers tips, tools, and ideas for supporting students during Virtual or Hybrid learning.
Content will include:
- How to keep students motivated and engaged
- How to maintain an effective home learning environment
- What to do (and what not to do) when students struggle
- How to communicate needs to school staff
A “Q&A” session will follow the webinar to allow caregivers additional time for specific questions and additional ideas for supporting learners at home.
If you are interested in attending this workshop, please RSVP by March 12, 2021 using this form or by calling Mrs. Micciulla at 732-935-7838.