Dear Eatontown Public Schools Community Member:

As we approach the mid-year point in the 2024-2025 school year, I wanted to provide some important updates regarding student safety and wellness. Although providing a first-rate education to all students is our mission, ensuring students feel safe at school and learn in an environment where they feel they belong are equally valued components of our mission. The question becomes, “How does the district maintain student safety and wellness each day?”

During the pandemic, Eatontown Public Schools realized that more needed to be done in order to nurture student and staff mental health. The demands and expectations of today’s educational system are high. Achieving a balance between academic success as well as social and emotional health is our charge each day. Over the last few years, the district has worked hard to implement approaches and programs to achieve this aim.

The district hired two additional school counselors in order for each school to have its own mental health resource. Our school counselors work with our students and staff each day to provide group counseling, individual counseling, and social emotional lessons to our students. When students are having a challenging day, our school counselors are there to support.

From a curriculum standpoint, the district has implemented the Leader in Me program as well as uses CASEL resources to provide information and training on social and emotional learning. You can learn more about these approaches by visiting our website at and clicking on the Social and Emotional Learning tab. By visiting this tab, you can learn about all the resources available to the school community, including YMCA Counseling services, VNA Health Group services, as well as links to each school counselor’s Google Classroom page.

This district also has a procedure for handling student discipline as well as Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB) concerns. Student discipline is managed through the Student Code of Conduct and HIB is handled through our policies and regulations. Our district policies and regulations are available for review by visiting our website. In addition, our HIB procedures and contact information are located on the Anti-Bullying Information tab. If your child is being harassed, intimidated, or bullied, please encourage your child or yourself to contact the school counselor or school principal immediately. Each year our staff is trained in these important protocols.

Last, but certainly not least, student health is important to us. Before students can play a sport, a physical must be conducted by a physician and the physical form is reviewed by our school nurses and school physician. In addition, every two years school personnel including our coaches are trained in CPR as well as how to use an AED device. Each school is equipped with an AED device. Our staff and coaches are trained in concussion protocols as well. It is important that you know that our schools are trained in these areas. If you have any medical concerns regarding your child, please contact our school nurses – they are wonderful resources!

As Superintendent, but also as a parent, I understand the concerns and worries you may have from time to time. Ensuring students learn and grow in a safe and secure environment will continue to be our primary goal. If you have questions, please contact your school principal. As educational leaders, they will answer your questions or direct you to where you may gain answers to your questions. Effective communication is important between our school and parent communities.

Thank you for trusting us with your child each day. Our entire team takes this awesome responsibility seriously. It is paramount in order to effectively educate students on a daily basis. Your partnership is extremely helpful and valued in this process.


Scott T. McCue
Superintendent of Schools

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