Dear Woodmere Parents/ Guardians:
Our school is proudly participating in The Great Kindness Challenge, a week-long program dedicated to creating a culture of kindness and compassion in communities worldwide. To help our students practice kindness and put their compassion into action, each student will receive a Great Kindness Challenge checklist. If your child follows the directions on the checklist, he or she will officially become a Kindness Certified Student. Kindness Certified Students will receive a certificate to take home, a certificate with his or her name on it will hang in the hallway by the counseling office, and your child will receive a brag tag to hang proudly from his or her backpack. We encourage all students to complete as many acts of kindness as possible at school and hope they feel inspired to continue them at home. We are also having a special assembly during the week of the Great Kindness Challenge due to the kind support of our PTA. Please see below for our spirit week as well!
Together, let’s lift each other up, cheer each other on, and show the world that KINDNESS MATTERS!
Mrs. Phelps
School Counselor
Woodmere School