Leader in Me

Continue our word of the week discussion at home.

This week's word: Empathy

Habit 5 of leaders is to seek first to understand, then to be understood. Part of seeking first to understand is being able to show empathy. Empathy is understanding how someone is feeling.

“Empathy is seeing with the eyes of another, listening with the ears of another, and feeling with the heart of another.” Alfred Alder

Book to listen to at home about Empathy: Miss Spider’s Tea Party By David Kirk 

Listen to the story as a family by following the link below:

MISS SPIDER'S TEA PARTY Read Aloud by Mrs. K. | Written by David Kirk | Kids Book Read Aloud

Dinner Table Questions to Ask:

After first, lonely Miss Spider hosts a tea party, and her guests refuse to attend for fear she’ll eat them. Did her friends end up attending the tea party? How did her friends have empathy towards Miss Spider?