Dear Eatontown Public Schools Community Member:
Over the course of the last two years, you have received letters from my office expressing concerns over the impact that bias, racism, and other forms of unfair treatment toward people of color have had on our social and political systems. These repeated incidents demonstrate that there is a systemic problem in America that must be confronted and changed. People are being treated differently based upon the color of their skin, their background, and/or their circumstances. As the educational leader of the district, I feel it is imperative that Eatontown Public Schools, a public institution of learning, emphasizes its commitment to change and reminds the community of this important goal.
As Superintendent, I want to continue to share tools and resources with the community in order to retain the public’s confidence in our district and four companion schools. By working together, we can ensure that words and actions are used to create a culture and climate where faculty, staff, parents, and students support one another in the important work ahead. Ensuring students have equitable access to educational opportunities, resources, and services is the foundation for creating safe and caring schools.
The Eatontown Public Schools curricula provides opportunities to discuss race, discrimination, bias, and civil rights in the various academic subjects and disciplines. In addition, our district website has resources for Social and Emotional Learning as well as Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
Our Board of Education policies and regulations protect students and staff from bias, harassment, intimidation, bullying, and acts of hate. Our district’s commitment to Social and Emotional Learning teaches students the foundational competencies of Social Awareness, Relationship Skills, Responsible Decision-Making, Self-Management, and Self-Awareness. The schools will continue to implement character education programs providing a forum for teachers and students to discuss the values of caring, respect, trustworthiness, fairness, responsibility, and citizenship.
In the days, months, and years ahead, the district encourages the school community to use current events and the history of our country as real-life lessons to celebrate diversity, challenge racism, conduct purposeful conversations, listen to divergent viewpoints, and evaluate facts in order to improve human conditions and civil rights. As a fellow parent, I know that we all share the common goal that we want our children to learn, grow, and feel safe in schools each day in order for them to reach their full potential.
Maya Angelou wrote in her poem, On the Pulse of Morning: “History, despite its wrenching pain, / Cannot be unlived, but if faced / With courage, need not be lived again.” By conducting open, honest, and at times uncomfortable conversations with regard to these issues, we hope to create an environment where progress is not just possible, but inevitable. In the future, it is important to maintain open lines of communication where parents, students, and other community members have opportunities to express and share their thoughts and ideas for the good of the order.
Thank you for your valued consideration and support. I look forward to your participation in this process in order for conversation to lead to action.
Scott T. McCue
Superintendent of Schools