Dear Parents/Guardians:
Please see the below information on district issued student computer and mobile hotspot returns.
IN SCHOOL/IN DISTRICT STUDENTS: Students who are attending school in person will be turning in their district issued computer on Friday, June 18th. Each student should be returning both the district issued computer and the computer's charger.
For all students who were provided with a mobile hotspot, the assigned student should bring the hotspot and the hotspot charger to school on Friday, June 18th and return the hotspot and the hotspot's charger with their district issued computer.
VIRTUAL STUDENTS: The district is providing the following times for all virtual students to return their school issued computer and charger.
DATE: June 21, 2021 TIME: 8:30AM to 12:00PM
DATE: June 22, 2021 TIME: 8:30AM to 3:00PM
All virtual student school issued computers and chargers must be returned to the district on these dates. Computers should be returned to the main office of the home school of your child.
If your child was provided with a mobile hotspot, the assigned student should return the hotspot and the hotspot's charger along with the district issued computer and computer charger.
Thank you very much for your cooperation.
Michael Brown