Dear School Community Member:
As we begin another exciting school year, I wanted to provide a few health and safety updates pertaining to food and beverage items in school. In order to protect all students in the district, the Board of Education adopted Policy and Regulation 5331 – Anaphylaxis to Food and Other Substances back in 2009. The full Policy and Regulation can be viewed by visiting the district website.
In summary, a safe classroom and school environment are critical to each student’s educational experience. Guidelines have been adopted for the protection of the food-allergic student in the classroom including:
Only purchased items with ingredient labels are permitted for classroom celebrations.
The use of food for classroom projects or as rewards is discouraged.
The use of non-food items for all classroom events/activities as a means to avoid food allergies in the classroom is encouraged.
Teachers will notify parents of classroom celebrations that involve food. Parents of students with food allergies are encouraged to supply safe food items for the celebration.
Fresh fruits and vegetables are encouraged.
Goodie bags are not permitted for classroom celebrations.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact your school principal.
Scott T. McCue
Superintendent of Schools